Why Z I R P E L?

Have you had enough of platforms where you can hardly find the content because of all the advertising and you don't know exactly what happens to the data you enter?
Then Z I R P E L is the right place for you! There is no advertising here and your data will not be passed on. You can delete everything at any time.
Read on to see what Z I R P E L has to offer and organize your next event in no time.


Help texts can be displayed everywhere in the Z I R P E L web app.
To do this, simply click on the question marks as shown here at the top right.


You can create a poll with multiple options (f.e dates).
Everyone, who gets the link, can participate.
You can renew the link. That can come in handy if the wrong people got the link.
It can be answered with "Yes", "No" and "Maybe".
The poll is open to be changed for everyone who has the link. Except if you create the poll with your account. Then only you can change the poll settings.
It is possible to hide the "Maybe"-option.
There are a few more options that you can use in a survey. Just read on. The functions described can be managed at the top right of the poll. To do so, click on the edit button or the arrow next to it to discover further functions.

Change poll

You can change your poll at all times.
Title and location as long as all the options can be changed.
If you add new dates, all the existing participants will be shown as "Maybe" (or "No" if "Maybe" is disabeld) for the new options.
If you delete a date, this option is only marked as deleted. So if you turn it back on, you don't lose the votes made before.
You can't add dates in the past to your poll.

Create account

You can create an account on the login page.
If you have an account your entries can only be changed by you.
The only exception is if you are participating in someone else's poll. The owner or moderators can adjust your entries.
A poll created with your account can only be changed by you.
On top of that you will get an overview of all your polls. It also includes the polls where you only participate.
An account also enables you to reveice E-Mails. For example if a poll gets changed or finished. To get these E-Mails you have to verify your E-Mail adress.

Use as an app

To be able to use Z I R P E L as an app, an account must be created.
A button then appears under "My data" to install Z I R P E L as an app.
Your browser must support this function for a button to appear. Chrome-based browsers should support this.
If your device supports it, you can initialize the installation as an app by clicking on the button with the smartphone symbol.
If the account is linked to a Google account, you will be logged in directly with the Google account. Without a Google account, the direct login is used if this is activated. If none of these options are active, the app is started with the login page.
Use the help function on the "My data" page to get more detailed information.

Get notifications

As soon as you have an account with a verified E-Mail adress, you can get E-Mails if there are changes to a poll.
You can activate this for every poll individually to be kept up to date.
This can be activated at the settings of the poll.
At "My data" you can set a default for this setting. New participants or polls of you will go with the setting you choose.
There is also the possibility to receive an e-mail immediately with every change. This will then also contain details of the new participation. This is also set in the settings. But there is no possibility to set the default for this setting.


There is a possibility to add someone as a moderator to a poll.
This moderator can moderate the poll too.
A moderator can't add other moderators or change the owner of a poll. But the owner has the possibility to hand over the ownership to a moderator.
If this is done the moderator becomes the owner and can change everything. The old owner will loose this possibilities.

Login with Google

It is possible to log in to Z I R P E L with a Google account.
If access to the calendar is granted, the appointments from the calendar can then be displayed when participating in polls. This gives you a direct overview of your own appointments and makes it easier to decide whether you can accept the option in the poll.
If you already have an account with the e-mail address, the account will be linked to your Google account.
The link to the Google account or the loading of calendar entries can be deactivated at any time.

Direct login

You can create a direct login.
This will generate a link that gives you instant access to your account. You don't have to sign in with username and password.
You can't change your user data if you're logged in with the direct login. But you can participate to polls like you're used to.

Single registration

Single registration can be activated in the settings of a poll.
Thus, only owners and moderators can see all participations.
Other people can only participate and see no further info.
If the individual registration is active, you can control via "Show changes immediately" whether the data will be displayed again after a participation.
The settings for hiding names or answers no longer have any influence. This is because only the owners and moderators have access to this data
Participants can contact the owner by note, if not disabled. With "E-Mail on notes immediately" the owner can control if he wants to be informed about it by mail.
To use this function an account is required.

Hide expired options

With the "Hide expired options" option you can configure your poll to hide an appointment as soon it is over.
This can be handy if you want to track a weekly appointment like a hockey training.

Continuous poll

You can tell your poll to have recurring optins every week for the desired days.
The poll will then be extended automatically. This is best combined with the "Hide expired options"-option.

Delete participants

Participants can be deleted from the poll.
Except the participant has an account. In this case they can only be deleted with this account itself.

My data

At "My data" your data can be managed.
The username can't be changed.
The displayname is used as suggestion to participate in polls.
To change the password, the current password has to be known.
The E-Mail adresse is used for notifications and to reset the password.

Old polls

Polls, which are inactive, are deleted. A poll is inactive if nothing has changed for 100 days.
If an account with a verified E-Mail adress can be found, a reminder will be sent 20 days before the deletion.

Export poll

A poll can be displayed in textformat. This can simply be copied and saved somewhere else.
You also have the possibility to export it as a CSV or XLSX file.
In the editing view, a single person only can be exported.

Export polls in calendar (.ics)

The date options can be exported in a .ics file. This can be imported in most calendar apps.
This can be helpfull with polls that have a lot date options.

Export single options

You want to send a message, who has participated on a certain option? Just click on the number below the option you desire.
All the people which have selected this option will be saved in the clipboard.
This works for all the answer options like "Yes", "No" and "Maybe"

Mark best option

The date option with the moste Yes-votes will be marked.
If there are multiple options with the same amount of Yes-votes the maybe-votes will be considered. If this is also tied the earliest option will be marked.
This feature can be disabled if it is not needed for a poll.

Text options

Next to date options there can also be text options.
For text options you can specify a text instead a date as header
For example if you plan a dinner, you can add options like Vegi or with meat to your poll.

Freetext options

There are also freetext options.
For freetext options you can also enter a header, but the answer is freetext. So everyone can enter a text as answer.
This can be usefull for remarques or other stuff that can't be answered with "Yes/No/Maybe".
There is also the possibility to define a free text option as mandatory. Thus, everyone who registers must make an entry.

Comment per date option

For date options, a comment can be entered to better describe the option.

Define your own answers

If Yes/No/Maybe is not a suitable selection, but you do not want to create a free text option, you can define your own answers.
Thus, you can specifically query what the desire of each participant is. For example, you could equip a text option food with meat/vegi/vegan.
For a better overview, each option can be assigned a color.


If you have more then one option, you can sort them. After saving the text options will be displayed in the desired order. Without changes, the date options come first, and after that the text options.
It is also possible to select the sorting for the participants. Eather by participation or by last change.

Limit options

Every option can be limited to a maximum of participants.
This means that only the selected amount of people can participate to the option.
This can even be applied to freetext options. If so, only the selected amount of people can enter an answer.
It is also possible to set options so that only the owner or moderators can see or edit them.
You can also limit the amount of Yes per person. So every person can only answer Yes to the defined amout of Yes/No/Maybe options.

Hide names and/or answers

It is possible to hide names and/or answers in a poll.
If the options are choosen under setting only the owner and moderators can see the names and/or answers.
The user can only see his entries if he has added them with an account and is logged in with it.
It is also possible to force the participants to have an account for a poll.

Add periods

The options can be equipped with periods.
With this feature an appointment can be planed even better. You can add multiple time periods for one day to get more options.


Everyone can add notes to a poll. If the note is done with an account, it can be changed with this account aswell.
It is possible to hide or delete own notes. To keep control over the poll, owners or moderators can hide all notes.
However, owners or moderators cannot adjust or delete notes.
Notes can also be disabled completely for a poll. Or they can be hidden after a desired number of days.


In a poll, all options with Yes/No/Maybe or own answers can be evaluated.
This gives you an overview of who has selected what and how often
This is especially handy if you have an ongoing poll (e.g. a training) and want to see who was there how often.
The evaluation can be restricted to a date range. It is also possible to search the history to evaluate deleted entries.


It is possible to show the history of a poll. All the changes of the participants to the options are listed.
Changes of the poll like adding new options are not listed in the history.
If you navigate via overview or link in the notification E-Mail to your poll, the changes will be shown directly.


At the moment Z I R P E L can be used in german and english.
The translations are not made by professionals. Any improvements are welcome.

Finish a poll

As soon as an option for a poll is found you can finish the poll.
At finishing the definitive option(s) can be selected.
If desired, the participants with an account and verified E-Mail adress can be informed about the finished poll.

Delete poll

A poll can be deleted manually. This step can't be reversed.
If you have an account with a verified E-Mail adress you will receive an E-Mail with the last stands of your poll.

Delete account

You can delete your account at any time.
You can decide if your participants and polls are also gonna be deleted.
If you only delete your account, the connection between your account and the polls and participations will be removed.
The data will be deleted completly. They will not only be marked as deleted. So this can't be reversed.
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