What is Z I R P E L?

Z I R P E L is a simple web app to find the best option in a group of people.
Z I R P E L has Functions which are handy for organizing recurring polls like trainings.
Z I R P E L is held simple with the goal that is easy to be used.

Who is behind Z I R P E L?

There is no company behind Z I R P E L.
Z I R P E L is implemented and hosted privatly.

How about data privacy at Z I R P E L?

Privacy is very important.
If an account is created only username and password are required.
The E-Mail adress is not required. The E-Mail adress has to be verified to get information about polls.
The userdata will not be given away or analysed in any way.
All userdata can be deleted any time. The data will not only be marked as deleted, they will be physically deleted from the database.
The existing stats will only count the number of poll related data to see the usage.
All relevant data is also stored in encrypted form in the database.
More information can be found here: Data privacy

Will Z I R P E L be developed further?

Z I R P E L will be developed by needs and new ideas.

How can I support Z I R P E L?

If you like Z I R P E L, you can tell all your friends and relatives about it.
Or you can go even further and Donate something.

What is Z I R P E L capabel of?

Look at Functions
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